Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog Makeover

If you've been following my blog for a while, you may have noticed that Entertaining Chic got a bit of a makeover last week. Danielle Moss updated the design with one of her amazing templates she offers. It was a quick and easy way to give my blog a much needed update. Danielle also runs one of my favorite blogs, breakfast at toast, and her amazing apartment was featured in Rue Magazine's January issue. And as if that wasn't enough, she is launching a new website in just a couple weeks, The Everygirl, with co-founder Alaina Kaczmarski, which will offer an actionable, in depth perspective on making dreams a reality. I'm really excited for this website to launch and wish both Danielle and Alaina much success with this venture.

As for my blog's update, I'm hoping to do another complete overhaul of the Entertaining Chic blog and Lindsey Meyl Designs website (because having a website read "future home of something quite cool" for close to year is quite uncool) in the next six months. Anything you would like to see on either of these sites? Would love to get some feedback on what you guys would like to see.

1 comment:

  1. The blog makeover looks great!!! I love it - so fresh:) Happy to discover a new fun site to follow!
