Friday, January 14, 2011

30 Goals before I'm 30

I love following blogs and I try to begin every morning by shuffling through Google Reader reading the impressive and inspiring posts of hundreds of different blogs.  My favorite blog entries are ones with unique ideas, beautiful pictures and funny stories.  I came across this blog post from pen n' paperflowers that hit a cord and I was taken by how easy but important many of the goals she created were.  I also loved how she routinely came back to the goals throughout the year to hold herself accountable. 

This post drove me to create my own 30 Goals before I'm 30 list.  I'm turning 30 on October 11, 2011 and I find myself in an interesting place as I head towards this milestone.  After almost 7 years in sales I left my job this past November and I've been struggling with where my next steps should take me.  Up until this past year, I've followed all the hard in school, go to a great college, graduate and work at a 9 to 5 job with a salary and benefits, work your tail-off and climb the corporate ladder for ubber-success and feeling of self-worth and accomplishment. 

The problem was, this past year especially, I found myself absolutely miserable following these "rules" and any accomplishment in my job just felt the furthest from any level of success because I wasn't happy.  Everyday I thought about leaving to start my own business and pursue my real passions.  I just couldn't quiet that voice in my head (yes, it is borderline crazy).

Sadly, I keep stopping myself from moving forward because by admitting I want to start my own business means that failure is a very true reality and one that I don't want to be faced with for both emotional and financial reasons.  This is why I found pen n' paperflowers blog post so motivating because it caused me to write down what I truly want and how I'm going to get it.  So I wrote down everything I want accomplish in my personal and professional life over the next 10 months.

I also like how this wraps up my 20's in saying "I've done it the way I should, and now I'm doing it my way".  And living my life the way I'll be happy in my 30s is exactly the life I want to live.  So without further ado...the 30 Goals I want to meet before I'm 30 (in other words, what I'm going to accomplish in the next 10 months):

1.  Create a profitable business in event and interior design.
2.  Design a piece of furniture for myself or a client.
3.  Run another Half Marathon.
4.  Read at least 2 books/month.
5.  Attend Brimfield.
6.  Redo our patio so I can start a garden and Nate can grill.
7.  Complete the Interior Design program I've started with Sheffield School.
8.  Host a party once a month.
9.  Post every weekday on my blog.
10.  Write thank you notes at least 3 days after receiving a gift.
11.  Make my bed everyday.
12.  Attend a cooking class with Nate.
13.  Attend an event or interior design networking event at least once a month.
14.  Go to the Doctor.
15.  Learn how to sew.
15a. So that I can make pillows, curtains and a new shower curtain.
16.  Buy a coffee table book once a month.
17.  Host a fundraiser for cancer research.
18.  Create a new flower arrangement in my home once every other week.
19.  Create a website for my business.
20.  Have a date night with Nate at least once every other week.
21.  Introduce myself to our neighbors.
22.  Take more pictures.
23.  Make decorative desserts at least once a month.
24.  Go to/explore every neighborhood in Boston.
25.  Go to a museum or culture center once a month.
26.  Start a facebook page for my blog/business.
27.  Start taking pilates and/or yoga classes again.
28.  Organize my design ideas.
29.  Organize all family and friend addresses and write a letter to someone once a month.
30.  Organize all of our closets.

There you have it...30 goals I am going to reach before I'm 30!  I'll of course be writing and updating you over the next 10 months but I'm really really excited and so thankful to pen n' paperflowers for this phenomenal idea!


  1. Great list! I need to get one going for myself. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. V. ambitious list!! I love resolutions! Thanks for stopping by. I noticed on your list that you're enrolled in the Interior Design program w/Sheffield. I've been considering that program and am so curious if you like it? Would love to know. Thanks!!

  3. Wow! What great goals! I'm hoping to attend Brimfield this year as well!
